- Would you like help organizing your information so you can use it as evidence?
- Would you like help finding answers to your research questions?
The Evidentia Companion is the perfect complement to Evidentia, the desktop application being used by genealogist worldwide to organize and analyze the information they have recorded.
The Evidentia Companion focuses on the features you need to know to be productive with Evidentia as quickly as possible.
Try it, you’ll like it 🙂

Genealogy Bank has databases full of newspapers chronicling the daily life of communities for generations. You can find obituaries, marriages, community events and arrests. The collection includes local histories, funeral sermons, biographies, directories and other books. These kinds of documents go beyond the standard birth, marriage or death certificate.
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Family Tree Magazine Plus 1-Year Membership Only $49.99 at Shop Family Tree
Outfit your iPad with everything you need to pursue your genealogy. Packed with great tools, you’ll have everything you need to research your family tree on the go with this fantastic collection. Discover timesaving tools for accomplishing your research, organization tips for your digital photos and bust down brick walls, and use the guidebooks and pocket references to look up the information you need while you’re out researching. With everything in one place, doing your research will be a breeze!
Break down those brick walls and blast through your research roadblocks with the tools and techniques found in this digital genealogy collection. Jam-packed with tricks for finding missing people and records, strategies for analyzing your problem and coming up with solutions, tips for creative research, and advice on avoiding research pitfalls, there’s something for everyone to try! You’ll learn great alternatives to lost or destroyed records, how to pinpoint helpful friends in your ancestor’s network, obscure records, undiscovered sources, and more.